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Warden's 360 Cube
(360 Card Cube)
Warden's 360 Cube
Cube ID
Art by Jana Schirmer & Johannes VossArt by Jana Schirmer & Johannes Voss
360 Card Unpowered Legacy+ Cube7 followers
Designed by WardenofSilence
Mana Pool$4211.32

General themes:

WU - Control
UB - Control/Reanimator
BR - Aggro/Sacrifice
RG - Stompy/Fires
GW - Midrange
WB - Aggro/Sacrifice
UR - Spellslinger/Tempo
BG - Graveyard
RW - Aggro
UG - Lands

This cube breaks singleton, playing two copies of each fetch land and two copies of each shock land. Combined with a set of original duals and triomes, mana fixing is quite good.

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