Unpowered Cube
(442 Card Cube)
Unpowered Cube
Cube ID
Art by Franz VohwinkelArt by Franz Vohwinkel
442 Card Unpowered Legacy+ Cube4 followers
Designed by Concordia
Mana Pool$2080.08

This cube hopes to support aggro, midrange, and control decks. I have tried to include cards that fit into multiple archetypes to give drafters meaningful choices throughout the draft and games. There is one custom rule for the cube. The snow dual land cycle for all color pairs does not include the "comes into play tapped" clause. I wanted to include great fixing options, but the original duel land cycle is way too expensive.


  • Aggro: There are several aggro options within the cube. Mono white, red, and black all support aggro. Boros and Rakdos also support strong aggro decks. Gruul can be aggressive as well, but it works more as a stompy deck with high power creatures.
  • Control: The standard control decks are available in the cube. Blue, white, and black all include control pieces. Any mixture of these colors can create a control deck. Grixis control is also available. Gruul and Simic also offer their own sort of control deck with Wildfire and Upheaval decks.
  • Midrange: A lot of the color combinations offer some sort of midrange or tempo deck. Rakdos and Orzhov can focus around aristocrats and gaining incremental value. Golgari offers a lot of graveyard value and supports a Rock deck. Simic and Izzet offer tempo decks with quite a bit of card draw, creature bouncing, and incidental tokens. Selesnya would also fit into the midrange section with a slower "go wide" deck than Boros.
  • Combo: There are a few combo options within the cube. Sneak and show and reanimator offer ways to get giant creatures into the battlefield early in the game. The Kiki/Twin combo offers an infinite loops if not dealt with. The sneak and show pieces are offered in blue and red. Black offers all of the reanimator cards. Blue and green offer efficient discard outlets for the reanimator deck.


  • Azorius: Tempo/Control
  • Dimir: Control/Reanimator
  • Rakdos: Aggro/Aristocrats
  • Gruul: Stompy/Wildfire
  • Selesnya: Midrange/Tokens
  • Orzhov: Aristocrats/Aggro/Midrange
  • Golgari: Reanimator/Midrange
  • Simic: Tempo/Ramp
  • Izzet: Spells Matter/Combo
  • Boros: Go Wide/Aggro


  • Mono White: White is mostly a go wide aggro deck. White has a lower curve and aggressive creatures. White also provides some of the best "any permanent" removal. This allows for it to push through the final damage needed or grind out a win.
  • Mono Blue: Blue decks are control or tempo decks. Counters, disruptive creatures, and good planeswalkers allow for mono-blue to make it to the late game.
  • Mono Black: This cube offers a mono-black aggro package. Aggressive creatures and hand disruption pushes this archetype. Black also provides all of the reanimation spells so a reanimator deck is available.
  • Mono Red: Mono-red focuses on ending the game quickly with aggressive creatures across the curve and burn.
  • Mono Green: Green focuses mainly on ramp. Mana dorks and ramp spells allow green to play creatures ahead over curve or ramp into one big threat.
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