The boys are back in town.
Red Deck Wins is a deck that aims to win in as few turns as possible by converting their mana to raw damage. It typically tapers off at 3 mana, and wants a critical mass of good one drops (
3) to threaten in the early game.
Ramp forgoes interacting with the opponent in the early game in order to cast their haymakers and bombs far ahead of curve. This is classically found in green, and secondarily in colorless (especially lucrative if you find yourself in
There are multiple lanes available to cheat out the strongest creatures in the format. This deck aims to capitalize an play that devastates the opponent to the point they can't recover. When drafting this, it is better to prioritize the "cheat" engines as there are more
Big Boys than enablers.
This archetype is supported by discount outlets in BGR. Dump your strongest creatures and summon them with range of reanimation effects. This archetype is naturally very synergistic with Cheat.
There are combinations of cards that are much stronger than the sum of their parts. This is is highlighted by, but not limited to, Splinter Twin & Land Destruction. Keep an eye out for pieces that make it around the table.
Midrange is a bit of a softball archetype, not really relying on a super defined win condition. It usually begins with a Green base splashing depending on picks. Somewhere between Aggro and Ramp, the strategy tends to be to suppress the opponent the first few turns and overwhelm them with raw card quality in the mid game.
This archetype aims to deny the opponent of all their plays in the early game, slowing the tempo down until the opponent has expended all of their resources and you can now capitalize on your
expensive spells