Boom's Phat Type 4 Stack
(300 Card Cube)
Boom's Phat Type 4 Stack
Cube ID
Art by Matt CavottaArt by Matt Cavotta
300 Card Battle Box Multiplayer Vintage Cube5 followers
Designed by BoomDooger

Welcome to my Type 4 Communal Stack! The craziest and most exciting format this side of Shandalar!

Not sure what Type 4 is, or if it's for you? In short, this is the format for those who love the timing interactions of Legacy and Vintage, the huge plays of EDH, and the morphing possibilities of Limited. Players use a large, shared deck, casting spells with infinite mana at the cost of only one spell per each turn.

Limiting? Not at all! I never said you couldn't cast spells on OTHER people's turns, and of course, this only applies to casting spells. Using abilities - channel, activated abilities, cycling - all skirt around this rule.

And now you know all you need. More specific rules are below, but the joy of leading off with a Blightsteel Colossus only to get Identity Crisis'd and having your Colossus trapped down by an Azorius Guildmage (one of the true bombs of the format)?

Chef's Kiss

Standard Rules

Infinite Mana
You are considered to have infinite mana of all colors and types (including snow) at all times. Type 4's infinite mana allows formerly unplayable, over-costed, and powerful cards their time in the spotlight, from the jankiest of Fallen Empires commons to bulk Standard mythics.

One Spell Per Turn
Each player can only cast one spell per turn. This limits some of the explosiveness of having infinite mana, but also makes a playable format. The trick of playing Type 4 requires finding the right time to use your spell for turn and finding ways to exploit the rule. Plays that do not require casting a spell - such as playing a land, cycling a card, or using activated abilities - are highly prized.

Handling Infinity
If two spells or abilities are infinitely used to top or stop one another, the defender wins and the instigator loses. Example: Azorious Guildmage's second ability is used to counter a Vampiric Dragon's activated ability. This could go on forever, but Azorious Guildmage's ability 'wins'.

House Rules

No Errata
Some stacks allow spells with alternate costs - such as morphs, overloaded spells, etc - to skirt the 'one spell per turn' rule. In an effort to keep the stack friendly for folks new to the format, no such rules apply here. You cast a spell, you cast a spell, that was your spell.

Communal Stack
All players draw from the same library, the entire stack. If cards would be put on the bottom or shuffled in, remove them from the game. All other zones - graveyard, hands, etc. - are considered separate.

Hand Size
Players start with 5 cards in their hand, and max hand size is 5 cards. This rule is taken from Kirblinx's excellent stack, which has provided plenty of inspiration and thought for mine.

As per usual, some cards I want come in immediately after I make a purchase. Still, it's nice to get some of these in the stack (looking at you, Warhammer).

Continuing the theme of the last update, the updates follow several patterns:

  • Universal removal - Less specific removal (despite the coolness factor) and more instances for application.
  • Speed - get in here hasty folks, get out of here slower items. This ain't EDH.
  • Token reduction - this is more of a pet peeve, but I try to have all the physical tokens on hand for games of T4. If the tokens are harder to get and the parent cards have already drawn my cutting eye, they leap up the queue.

There are a few more pick ups I'm searching for (when did Beast Within get hard to find?), but I'm likely letting things sit for a bit while I play and test. Thanks as always to SuperTainted for the conversation and suggestions!

Edit: of course, I missed one change - Mavinda, Students' Advocate > Bladewing, Deathless Tyrant; less repetition of spells, more big, hasty, flying death.

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