Vampires and Zombies and Werewolves, oh my!
Hoping for a fun draft experience with an actually-curated card pool combining key pieces from 2021 Innistrad's Midnight Hunt and Crimson Vow sets. (Glares at WOTC's "Double Feature" failed promises.)
When prepping for a draft, sort Rares+Mythics, Uncommons, and Commons into separate piles and shuffle each pile.
Create 3 packs per player with the following contents:
Draft is then conducted normally:
I discovered this particular form of 2-player draft over at LLRMTG's YouTube channel (See the video here)
Create 8 packs per player with the following contents:
Death isn't the end. Much of the time, you'd rather have your creatures die so you can cast them for their "Disturb" cost and get double the value.
Tokens make great sacrifice fodder in this archetype. These colors find the best token generators (decaying zombies and 1/1 humans) and have fantastic sac payoffs. There's also a smaller lifegain sub-theme.
Just zombies doing zombie things. Remember, though, decaying zombies can't block.
Humans are stronger when they come together in community. Use the "Training" mechanic to ensure you always meet the "Coven" requirements of having at least 3 creatures with different power.
Werewolves love the Night. Do what you can to take advantage of and own the Night.
Your graveyard is an extension of your hand.