This cube is based around Hidden Agendas and drafting as many copies of cards as possible.
Cleric of the Forward Order, Kjeldoran War Cry, Faerie Miscreant, Accumulated Knowledge, Rat Colony, Feast of Flesh, Goblin Gathering, Flame Burst, Sound the Call, and Llanowar Sentinel are primary examples.
Archetypes are:
UW: Fliers/Bird Tribal (Skycat Sovereign)
UB: Ninjas/Control (Fallen Shinobi)
BR: Sacrifice/Token Aggro (Lyzolda)
RG: Tokens Aggro/Pump (Tana)
GW: Lifegain/Wolves (Tolsimir)
WB: Clerics/Lifegain (Orah)
UR: Spellslinger Wizards (Melek)
BG: Self-Mill/Graveyard Bonus (Izoni)
RW: Lifegain/Burn (Firesong & Sunspeaker)
GU: Evasion/Tokens (Edric)