Memorial Peasant Cube
(607 Card Cube)
Memorial Peasant Cube
Art by Sung ChoiArt by Sung Choi
607 Card Peasant Legacy+ Cube2 followers
Designed by shipitholla
Mana Pool$294.62

Common and uncommon cube with archetypes supported for all mono and guild combinations. The cube is designed intentionally to push the power and synergies of aggressive decks because they are naturally underpowered in peasant cube where individual power-level is lower and there is no good fast mana fixing. Midrange decks can still be drafted, but the power level of removal is intentionally lower so they don’t dominated. There is some bleed between color pairs, which I try to support. And I like the cube being larger than typical cube size because I prefer higher variance so each draft doesn’t feel identical.

There is a companion set of peasant lessons from Strixhaven. Between cube packs, players open a separate pack of 4 lessons and draft those. I just like the learn/lesson mechanic, and it’s a good way to fit a lot of effects into a small package, and give some strategies more longevity.

Primary Archetypes:
w-u Fliers
u-b Reanimator
b-r Sacrifice
r-g Landfall Aggro
g-w Tokens
w-b Tokens Sacrifice
b-g Sacrifice
g-u Rescue Landfall
u-r Prowess Tempo
r-w Heroic / Valiant

Other Themes:
Trinket Mage, Micromancer

Special Rules:
Oracle of the Alpha refers to THE power nine, so you only get one set to shuffle in (no blinking for more copies).

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