(384 Card Cube)
Cube ID
Art by Richard WrightArt by Richard Wright
384 Card Legacy+ Cube284 followers
Designed by xonnex
Mana Pool$6578.32

This is a 384 cube, which is supposed to drafted with 4 packs of 12 cards. This type of draft gives you an even distribution between players (left, right, left, right), and allows for more first picks. Rather than 45 cards in the end, you'll end up with 48, allowing for 3 additional card choices.

I aim for a mostly balanced cube without any traps cards. I avoid combos (some minor exceptions) as they can often lead to less fun games when the combo is too consistent or less fun when the combo doesn't come together at all in a draft and your deck is relying on it.

I also aim for aggro being very relevant and decreasing the avg cmc for each color as reasonably as possible and also trying to make each color do more than one thing; blue is especially challenging with this.

I try and avoid house rules as that adds complexity for drafters. That said I do offer people as many snow basics as they want. I also try to avoid weird mechanics that require additional cards, such as learn or dungeon cards. I'm also not in love with double sided cards as they make managing the cube a lot more challenging, and even with double sleeved cards it can be annoying to take them out and flip the card, etc. but there are a lot of great double sided cards so it's a necessary evil at this time.

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