Hand-Matters Cube
(360 Card Cube)
Hand-Matters Cube
Art by Ryan PancoastArt by Ryan Pancoast
360 Card Unpowered Budget Legacy Cube4 followers
Designed by Monstrumonium
Mana Pool$166.19

This cube seeks to maximize the attention given to each player's hand, while still retaining the fun and diversity of the draft process and gameplay. There are 5 different approaches to the hand mattering that is emphasized:
1.) Wisdom (The number of cards in your hand, usually up to 7 or more preferred)
2.) Self-bounce (Returning cards from the battlefield to your hand.)
3.) Selective Discard (Choosing to discard specific cards, either in your hand or an opponent's hand).
4.) Day/Night (As featured in the third Innistrad block. This emphasizes the card flow of your hand. More cards, it is likely to be day. Less cards, it is likely to be night. Interacting with each player's hand size can mean the difference between night and day.)
5.) Caring about Drawing Cards / Casting Spells as core game mechanics.

I selected the card base to allow you to play monocolor, and intentionally supported ten color pairs with multicolor cards. I include fixing for all guilds so emergent strategies can occur. I also used the colorless slots to introduce some alternate goals to work towards in deck design. The planned strategies are as follows:

WU - Self-Bounce Control (Like flicker)
UG - Simic Value Engine
GR - Werewolf Tribal
RB - Madness Aggro
BW - Doublespell Tempo
UR - Maro Burn-Control
UB - Double Draw Tempo
RW - Day/Night Aggro
GW - Gating Midrange
BG - Boomer Jund

NOTE: This cube plays with the rules modification that players are obligated to keep previously revealed cards from the hand continuously revealed and/or readily accessible upon being asked to show them. This is to minimize memory issues and prevent bad behavior.

Mainboard Changelist+63, -63
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