Halloween Cube V2
(239 Card Cube)
Halloween Cube V2
Art by Jim MurrayArt by Jim Murray
239 Card Cube2 followers
Designed by bradleyrose
Mana Pool$740.91
Halloween Cube

(working title)


WU Zombies

UB Morph ( Secondary: Mill )

BR Goblins

RG Werewolves

GW Delirium

WB Life Gain

UR Spells

BG Morbid ( Secondary: Spiders )

RW Vampires

GU Spirits

Colorless Scarecrows

Booster Pack Composition

NOTE: Lands only appear in the land slot
Commons: 9
Uncommons: 3
Rare/Mythic: 1 (1 in 8 packs has a mythic)
Lands: 1 (any rarity)
Foils: 1 (any card, including lands and nonlands)

Copies Per Rarity

Common: x3
Uncommon: x2
Rare/Mythic: x1

Note on Double-Faced Cards

Double-faced cards are represented in my cube with token stand-in cards. These allow you to read the text of both sides of cards on one side. This means there isn't a need to have a DFC slot in the packs.

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