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haganbmj's Peasant Cube; Signed + Scanned
(372 Card Cube)
haganbmj's Peasant Cube; Signed + Scanned
Cube ID
Art by Jeff A. MengesArt by Jeff A. Menges
372 Card Peasant Vintage Cube35 followers
Designed by haganbmj
Mana Pool$3118.01

est. 2013 (?)


Rarity restricted cube containing only cards that have at some point been printed in paper at either Common or Uncommon.

Some primary considerations for this list include...

  • Avoid Power Outliers and game-warping effects.
  • Avoid Complexity Creep; primarily in execution or of conditional/clause heavy cards.
  • Prioritize reminder text being present for non-evergreen mechanics.
  • Prohibit effects that require annotated types/colors, such as the Thriving cycle.
  • Keep Double Faced Cards to a minimum.
  • Re-evaluate the Commander Masters legends downshifts because those were to support an EDH-centric draft format instead of a more traditional one.

This cube is also roughly sized; I'm not strict on per-color column totals. Some of this is to account for biases in multicolor/colorless cards and to lean towards certain secondary color pairs.

Broad Themes/Archetypes
Color PairThemes
wTokens, Flicker, Modified/Pump
uSpells Matter, Flicker, Control, Evasion
bSacrifice, Reanimation, Recursive Value, Discard
rBurn, Tokens, Sacrifice, Spells Matter
gCounters, Mana Acceleration, Beatdown, Graveyard + Regrowths
Maybeboard Changelist+1, -0

After seeing a mono-white deck completely flop last night I think white might be lacking a bit independently. All the archetypes it can support are just way better if you splash into another color, which I don't necessarily think is a bad thing - but it is a bit different than what the other colors can do.
I think what happened last night was a combination of incorrect deck building and perhaps an awkward distribution of low-curve white threats in a 4-player draft, but it still feels like maybe this is a way to start giving white some more in-color higher value payoffs.

Side note, but something I was noticing more while looking through the list again is that white seems to struggle with <3 cmc flicker/bounce targets. There are so few payoffs for a Kor Skyfisher or on-curve Flickerwisp compared to what a lot of the other colors get. That's not even just necessarily in this cube, but in all of Peasant. I'm fine with Skyfisher just being a costed 2/3 flyer, but it might be a bit off to drafters not expecting that.

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