Invasion Block Remastered
Taking the best cards (re: playable) from each set in the Invasion block and putting them into a single cube that's trying to re-create the best parts of those sets.
- Invasion
- Planeshift
- Apocalypse
Notes from the initial limited format back in the day:
-The format was full of powerful two-for-ones like Consume Strength, Probe, and Jilt, but they all required multiple colors. You wanted as many of them as possible, and Harrow was the best option for unlocking these decks.
-Harrow jumps you in mana quantity and also gets you to the colors needed to play big bombs and multiple-colored spells.
-Domain was a real thing in this format.
Currently figuring out how to get the right density of color fixing to enable a 3+ color deck format without having it be an incredibly drawn-out slog, so testing & feedback appreciated!