Growth & Decay
(703 Card Cube)
Growth & Decay
Art by Brian ValezaArt by Brian Valeza
703 Card Cube2 followers
Designed by Findalion
Mana Pool$4156.44

This is a 4-colour no-red cube.
The themes are centered around growth and decay, birth and death:

  • +1/+1 counters (support, outlast, proliferate)
  • life gain (triggers)
  • ETB triggers & bounce
  • Death triggers
  • -1/-1 counters (infect, wither, proliferate)
  • poison (infect, toxic, proliferate)
  • graveyard (sacrifice, delve, reanimating)

Green wants to focus on almost all of the themes: toxic, infect, counters, life gain, proliferation.

White wants to focus upon toxic tokens, counters, life gain, ETB, bounce.

Blue supports control decks, brings a lot of proliferation, ETB, bounce.

Black wants to pair with white to trigger life loss from life gain, or pair with green to use sacrifice, reanimate, or focus upon a -1/-1 and/or poison strategy.

Mainboard Changelist+0, -1
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