Golden Oldies
(697 Card Cube)
Golden Oldies
Art by rk postArt by rk post
697 Card Cube1 follower
Designed by MachineSchooling
Mana Pool$368.24

The Golden Oldies cube is designed to evoke low-powered limited formats of the past, specifically ones with strong multicolor themes. The feel of the cube is defined by its weak creatures, strong removal, and grindy gameplay. The cube's primary influences are Invasion, Shards of Alara, and Khans of Tarkir block limited formats.


Players draft 3 rarity-seeded packs of 15 cards. Each pack contains:

  • 1 rare or mythic rare card
  • 3 uncommon cards
  • 10 common nonland cards
  • 1 common land
Design notes
  • The cube's only non-evergreen keyword mechanics are cycling, kicker, flashback, and morph.

  • All morph cards in the cube follow the Khans 5-mana morph rule. (Morph creatures which cost less than 5 mana to unmorph will either trade with a 2/2 or bounce off a 2/2 when unmorphed.)

  • Newer multicolor cards are chosen to feel like Invasion block era cards. They mostly have one ability from each color or a single ability none of the colors could do on their own.

  • All cards in the cube which were printed before rarity started being indicated by expansion symbol are commons.

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