The GOAT Cube is an unpowered Vintage cube built to showcase the greatest hits of Magic: The Gathering in a fast, interactive and powerful draft environment like no other. A primary goal of this cube is to support a diverse array of strategies, from four colour control to mono-colour aggro and everything in between.
Featured in this cube are modern classics, retired all-stars and time-tested GOATS, from Fury and Ledger Shredder to Birds of Paradise and Lightning Bolt. One notable omission is fast mana- in the interest of format balance, all forms of fast mana has been excluded. Other notable omissions include cards like Oko, Thief of Crowns- a card which is excluded for blanking all of the other cool cards it comes into contact with.
The GOAT cube is a passion project of five years now, taking up the vast majority of my collection. It's updated with every set release, and I make frequent changes in the name of experimentation. Playtest drafts are greatly appreciated- especially named, built decks with a short write-up of your experience. Those of you who leave feedback are the real GOATS.