My name is Geena - I have been building cubes for quite a while. I used to have one of the first small “travel cubes” it was a 180 card cube that I built to take with me to cons and FNM. I also had a 450 card “All-Foil” cube.
I started doing FNM more, drifted away from cube a bit and then I had to sell a lot of cards to make ends meet. Things have gotten better and I can now start to slowly put together my cube again! I have always been drawn to smaller cubes, I enjoy the mind game of trying to support everything in a small footprint. I also like to have something easy to transport. I currently have the entirety of my new 270 in an Aaron Cain custom cube box which houses the entire cube, lands and tokens.
I probably will never have two cubes again because of the expense, and right now I am happy with the 270. I have no one to really play Magic with and no way to get into a group with COVID and all so I feel like this is the right size. Right now its all about enjoying putting it together by myself. I may land on 360 someday, but I don’t want to water down the quality, so I’d rather it be smaller than a bunch of filler cards. Thanks for looking!
It's always super unfortunate when stuff like this happens; I wonder if something like Elvish Warmaster could be a decent shout? Yes, it's a two drop, and it seems like you're looking for something more akin to the top end of the Selesnya tokens deck, but the card seems like it could be powerful in your environment. It's a great mana sink, has good synergy and is roughly $1. As an added bonus, the art fits the vibe of your cube. Love the Podcast.