A Master Debater's Cube (Original/Obselete)
(540 Card Cube)
A Master Debater's Cube (Original/Obselete)
Cube ID
Art by Ryan Alexander LeeArt by Ryan Alexander Lee
540 Card Commander Multiplayer Legacy Cube1 follower
Designed by Derpingsworth
Mana Pool$1086.90

This is a commander cube meant to be played with 4+ players with the games played in a multiplayer format. The cube was inspired by the commander legends set in both archetypes and draft format. While the cube does influence designated archetypes and strategies, there is a lot of flexibility available by having over 75 possible commanders at your disposal.

Draft & Deck Features:

  • 60 card minimum decks (including commanders)
  • Draft your commander(s) as part of the cube, not separate
  • 20 cards per pack
  • 3 packs per player
  • Draft 2 cards per pack


  • WU: Flyers
  • WB: Tokens
  • WR: Aura's & Equipment
  • WG: +1/+1 Counters
  • UB: Encore
  • UR: Pirates/Spellslinger
  • UG: Cascade
  • BR: Sacrifice
  • BG: Elves
  • RG: Power Matters (Monsters)

Much like traditional commander, this cube draft is meant to be a casual format that encourages players engage in political tactics, bargaining, and pure nonsense. While I have most recently focused my updates on power balancing, I am shifting more towards adding cards that encourages both political interactions and "fun" plays and strategies to keep games engaging and entertaining.

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