Old School '95 Cube
(420 Card Cube)
Old School '95 Cube
Cube ID
Art by Daniel GelonArt by Daniel Gelon
420 Card Powered Vintage Cube2 followers
Designed by OSCube

This is a 420 Card Old School '95 Cube and fully powered!

55 spells in each color
25 multi-colored spells
70 Artifacts
50 Lands

Singleton is broken for lands (Alpha Duals, Ice Age Painlands, Strip Mine and Mishra's Factory). Singleton is also broken for functional reprints in Ice Age for cards like Fyndhorn Elves, the pump knights, Orcish Cannoneers, and Word of Undoing and justified because that is what each color wants to represent in the color pie, I think. It also lowers the curve thereby helping to support aggro in each color.

Combos are present in this Cube as well and will be considered for removal if they prove parasitic. They may also be placed in a "Rare Cube" and rules for drafting them may also be included. More testing is needed. The following are the combos that were conscientiously built into the Cube:

  • Enduring Renewal, Ashnod's Altar/Fallen Angel, and a 0-1 MV Artifact Creature

  • Lich, Mirror Universe, Zuran Orb/Illusions of Grandeur

  • Power Artifact, Basalt Monolith

  • Time Vault*, Animate Artifact* and Instill Energy, or Elder Druid

    *Currently in the "Maybe Board"

Each two or three color combination can be drafted as a mid-range deck with various strengths and weaknesses. Three, four, or even five-color control is intended to be playable as well with finishers that are difficult to interact with, permanent sources of control, and flexible removal.

The Cube was also conscientiously built to include aggro in each of it's colors, even Blue (though probably as a support color). At first glance, one may conclude that there are not enough one and two drops in each color to support aggro, however there are four reasons this may be an incorrect first impression--a plethora of color-fixing, strong tempo spells, reach in each color, and cheap fliers in each color.

The Cube was built in hopes that strange interactions are discovered with some of the build arounds that payoff in the form of infinite combos and engine building. Steal and Sacrifice, Reanimator, and Enchantress are such deck types. Blue, White, and Black all have interesting synergies with Artifact-heavy builds. Control decks can be traditionally built with two-for-one and efficient spot removal and yet can also be built with permanent resource management in mind. Creature and Artifact removal are abundant, combat tricks and Enchantment removal are not.

About the Maybe Board. I would like to find a way to include Stasis as a build-around though I'm not sure if it would be possible or fun. The same goes for Time Vault. On the curve, Blue is low to the ground but not it's attacking creatures, which is the reason Flying Men and Unstable Mutation are considerations. I would really like for Goblins to be a viably drafted deck. Goblins may be a trap and if it were and identified as such those cards are useless because nobody is going to want Goblin King, Goblin Warrens, or Mons Goblin Raiders without the supporting pieces.

Please let me know if you have constructive criticism. Happy Cubing!

Mainboard Changelist+1, -1
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