ZeldaExplorer's Peasant Cube

Cube ID
Art by Chris RallisArt by Chris Rallis

360 Card Peasant Legacy Cube

Designed by ZeldaExplorerRSSQR Code

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Welcome + About Cube

Welcome! I'm ZeldaExplorer and this is my paper 360 card singleton peasant cube that I been working on since 2017. I try to update it as regularly as a I can with each new set that comes out.

I also have laid out some specific goals for the cube, these being:

  1. I want to create a reasonably powerful and synergistic environment that includes many powerful uncommons and commons without including swingy cards like Sol Ring, Mana Drain, and Wasteland and similar cards. I don't like the gameplay those card promote and I instead want to push the power level to prioritize cards like Cloudgoat Ranger, Mulldrifter, Shriekmaw, Eternal Witness, Flametongue Kavu, Baleful Strix, and Grafted Wargear. A few more notable high power inclusions I have included are Hymn to Tourach, Path to Exile, Swords to Plowshares, Lightning Bolt, and Animate Dead.

  2. I want to find balance between 2 for 1 effects, and cards that encourage drafting decks. This way people are drafing decks, instead of just a pile of good cards.

  3. I also want to support aggressive decks well in the cubea and have attempted to do so by breaking the Peasant restriction for better lands: the painlands cycle, the Snarls/Shadows cycle and Fabled Passage. Better mana will lead to more fun games.

Color Pairs

gw Selesnya gw

Green-White here typically is looking to play a midrangey go-wide style deck that utilizes tokens as well as +1+1 counters. You can grow your token army or one really big creature to quickly outrace anything else on the battlefield!

wu Azorius wu

Blue-White here is going to often look like a blink deck playing and rebuying enters the battlefield creatures for extra value. Though if drafting a "blink deck" isn't possible, you can always go for a tempo or control build.

bw Orzhov bw

Black-White here is mostly going to a midrange controlling deck that uses a combination of tokens, removal, and hand disruption to tear your opponent's battlefield to pieces. Nothing too fancy here, just good ol' Orzhov doing its thing.

rb Rakdos rb

Red-Black here is more often than not going to be a deck focused around sacrificing creatures for value. You can also go for a traditional aggro or midrange build too.

ug Simic ug

Blue-Green here usually wants to be a slow value-oriented midrange build wanting to ramp into high cost spells and run lots of sweet value engines. Not only that, but you can also build a pretty scary tempo build here too.

rg Gruul rg

Red-Green here is most of the time going to be a midrange ramp deck looking to curve out with cheap mana ramp into large efficient creatures. You can also take a more aggressive approach here as well.

ub Dimir ub

Here, Blue-Black is going to be a tempo/control deck with some graveyard synergy. There is plenty of reanimation effects in you can combine with discard effects to get creatures out much earlier than expected.

gb Golgari gb

Most of the time, Black-Green will be your typical midrange deck that also utilizes the graveyard. You can mill your cards and then easily bring them back later as though they never left to begin with.

ur Izzet ur

Blue-Red decks are most of the time going to be tempo-aggressive decks that care about casting lots of instant and sorcery spells.
Here you will find most of the cube's cheap card draw effects, so make sure to prioritize them if you end up in this pair.

rw Boros rw

Red-White will be the most traditional aggressive pairing in the cube. You also will also find lots of token pump effects to help push them through.

r-gw-bg-w Persist Combo r-gw-bg-w

Lastly, you can assemble a slightly fragile, but definitely doable infinite combo. Here you'll want to snag three pieces: a sac outlet, a card that adds +1+1 counters, and a persist creature.


I have worked on this cube for a total of about 7-8 whole years now and I have just returned from a very long break of not making any changes to it for the past 8-9 months. This is actually because I had been creating a brand new type of environment in that time, this being my underpowered cube! I made this cube because I was having a bit of trouble creating the type of gameplay I wanted with my archetypes of choice in the peasant cube, as alot of them fell quite a bit too short. I had tried to support some themes like cycling or prowess (and even landfall aggro/midrange at one time) as best I could within the peasant restriction, but they weren't really working here like I wanted. Not only that, but there were also some other issues present like too many underperformering cards like Counsel's Lieutenant, Skizzik, Sentinal of the Eternal Wtach, as these cards just weren't doing too hot. There also wasn't enough support/enablers/payoffs for archetypes like sacrifice and self-mill, which led to the cube being stretched too thin for my liking. However, now have a cube that is able to better support these archetypes without having to completely tear apart the peasant cube. So, I have made quite a few changes (too many to list here, tho u can check the history tab if ur interested) to the list here and among these changes I have re-added the reanimator strategy as well as added more support for blink, self-mill, and sacrifice decks. I think these changes to the peasant cube better suite my current design goals as well as make the not only more distinct from my underpowered cube, but also increases the amount of fun that can be had while playing it. I will probably add some more of the latest staples that have come out from the last couple of sets once I get the chance to, as I am quite a few sets behind. Until then, enjoy the newest iteration of the peasant cube!