The $5 Fair 'Nuff Cube
(450 Card Cube)
The $5 Fair 'Nuff Cube
Cube ID
Art by Scott M. FischerArt by Scott M. Fischer
450 Card Budget Cube72 followers
Mana Pool$253.05

The $5 Fair ‘Nuff cube is a budget "fair magic" cube. Combat and value synergies are the core of the gameplay, with an emphasis on the graveyard as a relevant zone. Every card in this cube cost 5 dollars at the time I purchased it, except for the dual lands which are proxied.

The cube is designed for my IRL playgroup of mostly beginner and intermediate players. I strive to curate an environment that is approachable for new drafters, while still being rewarding and challenging for experienced players.

Decks from this cube often feel like the sweetest kitchen table deck you ever built. Synergy-focused decks and "good-stuff" decks are both available.

Most of the cards are chosen to be easy to understand, with a few curveball weirdo cards to make people think about the game in new ways. I include a mix of iconic staples, personal favorites, and forgotten jank.

Overall, players are primarily rewarded for their ability to evaluate novel board states and their ability to draft and sequence their synergistic cards.

I've written more about my design goals and philosophy on the Riptide Lab cube blog forum here.

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