Shaving the Paper Cube
(360 Card Cube)
Shaving the Paper Cube
Cube ID
Art by Terese NielsenArt by Terese Nielsen
360 Card Budget Unpowered Legacy Cube3 followers
Designed by Atrabilogie
Mana Pool$3717.92

missing paper:
Ebony Fly
Irreverent Gremlin

I would evaluate the power level of the cube at around 5 out of 10.
Elo values are mostly between 1150 and 1350.


  • 48 rares limit (2 per 15 cards booster, all of the 40 fixing lands aren't considered "rares").
  • Some color pie oddities and bend through old cards.
  • Packs are seeded with two rares. 360 cards equals 24 boosters, equals 48 rares.
What the colors do :

w : Aggro/Midrange go wide. Lots of removals. Vampire tribe.

u : Midrange/Control. Lots of looting effects, some madness, counterspells, draw and bounce/tempo. Sea creatures theme.

b : All speeds. Graveyard filling, threshold, delirium, madness, removals, discard. Vampire tribe.

r : Aggro/Midrange go wide. Some looting effects, madness cards, lots of removals. Vampire tribe.

g : Midrange/Control. Ramp, color fixing, big creatures, graveyard filling, threshold, delirium.

c : Color fixing (no ramp!), removals, equipments and various other cards.

Dual-colors :

4 for each duo of which 1 is a Rare, most of the cards signal archetypes, otherwise they're just flexible or good on their own.

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