The Juice[BOX]³
(540 Card Cube)
The Juice[BOX]³
Cube ID
Art by Svetlin VelinovArt by Svetlin Velinov
540 Card Powered Vintage Cube3 followers
Designed by JuiceBOX
Welcome to my Cube!

The Juice[BOX]³ was created in 2010 and has continued to evolve with each set release. Originally beginning as a 360 Powered Cube, in 2014 a 90 card module was added on to help facilitate lager draft groups when necessary. In 2015 a second 90 card module was added to bring the total maximum cube size to 540 cards. With the addition of modules, I have begun to break up archetypes across modules to allow certain interactions and archetypes to ebb and flow as the draft group size changes.

I do not subscribe to the philosophy that a Cube should contain the best of the best in each color, but instead try to play mad scientist with various components while trying to keep the Cube both interesting and fun. I don't shy away from suggested pet cards, and I still "el oh el!" when Ethersworn Adjudicator makes swing plays at a draft table. If my players are enjoying it, then I am generally enjoying it.

The Base [360]³
Powered Core
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The [450]³ Module
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The [540]³ Module
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I run multiple modules to create variance within our drafts so that we can accommodate different group sizes and play styles. The main modules are the 450 and 540 modules, both offer 90 new cards each to help expand core archetypes and round out less prominent archetypes that do not have a strong presence within the base 360 cards. Powerful interactions are introduced the larger the draft pod, allowing for combos like Time Vault and Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker to exist. The design philosophy behind the modules is to help create deck diversity that wouldn't necessarily occur with the core cube.

I also offer 3 multi-player modules for groups looking for a multiplayer experience.

The Commander Module
View the Commander Module

The Commander module is a 180 card module that allows up to 6 drafters to draft alongside the core 360 card cube. The Commander module is drafted prior to drafting the core cube and ensures each drafter gets at least 2 packs from the Commander module. Each deck must contain 60 cards, no more, no less.

The Archenemy Module

Coming Soon!

The Planechase Module

Coming Soon!

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