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Throne of the Lair Beyond Death
(390 Card Cube)
Throne of the Lair Beyond Death
Cube ID
Art by Andreas RochaArt by Andreas Rocha
390 Card Peasant Budget Standard Cube1 follower
Designed by jwanders
Mana Pool$74.79

This cube is designed as an introduction to cubing for players that don't want to have to invest a lot of wildcards into the
experience. As such it has the following limitations: * Only commons and uncommons, as to not use rare or mythic wildcards

  • Only cards from Throne of Eldraine, Theros Beyond Death and Ikoria Lair of
    the Behemoths, so that any crafted cards will be usable in standard for as long as possible.

It was built by adding all cards that fit those restrictions then trimming cards in the following catagories: * Cards that don't
make sense in singleton (Seven Dwarves, Whisper Squad)

  • Payoffs that won't
    have enough enablers (Wandermare, Zenith Flare, Maraleaf Rider)
  • "Boring" cards
    that don't fit in any set theme
  • Worst remaining
    cards in order to balance the counts for each color.

Draft is likely to feel more like Chaos than traditional cube: raw card power with only pockets of incidental synergy. Themes that
overlap between sets will be stronger (Escape/Cycling, Draw 2/Cycling, Non-human, etc) than isolated mechanics (Knights,
Constellation, Mutate).

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