(462 Card Cube)
Cube ID
Art by Aaron MillerArt by Aaron Miller
462 Card Cube2 followers
Designed by GobiSenpai
Mana Pool$1475.94

I really like walkers and enjoy midrange gameplay!

The main design idea was to start with all the middle of the road non-busted (Oko,Minsc and Boo) non trash planeswalkers (most duel deck walkers) and build the cube out from there cutting walkers that couldnt be easily supported (elves centric walkers, land walkers, mill ashioks) and most cheap walkers that can uptick for creatures to stop games from turning into just +1'ing every turn (Plant Nissa, +1 for vampire sorin, +1 for wall Darreti)

I am trying to keep cards that would outshine walkers to a minimum while allowing for some cards that can be used to end games and stop them from being too grindy. but grindfests can/will still happen on occasion


There arent incredibly well defined archetypes, however:
Mono Red is definitely a thing
Azorius Flicker is a thing
Artifacts are a thing
Simic has prolif I guess?
Selesenya has counters I guess?

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