Eric's Ideal Cube
(419 Card Cube)
Eric's Ideal Cube
Art by Matthew G. LewisArt by Matthew G. Lewis
419 Card Cube14 followers
Designed by Erixian
Mana Pool$3157.34

This is not my main cube, but definitely a cube I am working towards. Here is what I am going for:

General Notes - All basic lands are snow-covered. Strix Scale 8-Nuetral.

Companions play as their pre-nerf versions.
Winner of the draft signs a basic land from their deck.

White - Human weenie strategies, taxing, and slowing the opponent down. Primary interaction is exile removal.
Blue - Spells matter, stealing your opponent's stuff, and wheels. Primary interaction is counter spells and flash effects.
Black - Graveyards matter, with self sacrifice synergies. Primary interaction is in conditional removal and some hand disruption.
Red - A little bit of gotta go fast, burn, and Kiki combo. Primary interaction is damage dealing spells.
Green - Ramp and dorks, big finishers, and Domain. Primary interaction is fight spells.
Colorless - Glue and fixing. There is a mud deck in there, but drafting it completely will be difficult and artifacts matter is not entirely present, but these is a slight treasure matters theme in Izzet.

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