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Engine Cube
(720 Card Cube)
Engine Cube
Cube ID
Art by Campbell WhiteArt by Campbell White
720 Card Unpowered Vintage Cube4 followers
Designed by lukas12
Mana Pool$6495.12
Engine Cube

Do you enjoy that sweet feeling when you build some janky value engine and start burying your opponent in card advantage? Do you like long back and forth games with ton of decisions? Engine cube is here for you!

Main Goal: Maximize Player Agency! Less luck, more skill
  • No aggro decks that either kill you on turn 4 or just flood out and die
  • Don't get screwed or flooded thanks to cantrips, cycling lands and ton of mana sinks
  • Great fixing, if you pick it up
  • No unbeatable bombs and instawin combos
  • Ton of removal
  • Fewer creatures (only 1/3 of the cube), and all are generally engine pieces
No railroads during draft

There are no set in stone archetypes for you to just follow. You will have to make hard decisions each pick in order to create your unique pile of fixing, interaction and engines!


You won't build any good stuff piles in this cube: there are no easy card advantage spells like Mulldrifter or Kolaghan's Command. In order to get some card advantage, you'll have to exploit the synergies in the following themes:



Life Gain




All of these themes can be mixed and matched for maximum value, for example:


In lands, you'll find full cycles of fetches, triomes, cycle lands, thriving lands, vivid lands, bouncelands, shocklands and canopy lands.

In spells, you have green stuff, talismans, signets, single-use fixers and plenty of treasure makers.

You can definitely play a three color deck with a splash for fourth, just don't forget to pick up the fixing during the draft!


Your opponent will also be trying to build some value engines, so pick up some answers:

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