The Emblematic Cube
(360 Card Cube)
The Emblematic Cube
Cube ID
Art by Lake HurwitzArt by Lake Hurwitz
360 Card Cube2 followers
Designed by TheArtificer4
Mana Pool$480.82
Welcome to the Emblematic Cube!

This is a cube based on the idea of having enchantments become emblems.

During the draft, each pack will have one enchantment which can only be used as an emblem that are drafted like any other card. These cards cannot be put into a deck and be played as normal enchantments because they will be marked. During deckbuilding and sideboarding each player may choose up to one enchantment they drafted to have as an emblem they get at the start of the game. These are emblems and exist in the command zone, like normal emblems created by planeswalkers. And like normal emblems, they cannot be interacted with by anything in any way.

Enter the battlefield abilities of these cards do not trigger and activated abilities that aren't activated from the battlefield, like cycling on Ominous Seas, cannot be activated. However, activated abilities that are activated from the battlefield can be activated, like those of Goblin Bombardment.

For those that are used to formats like commander, the color identity of the emblem does not have any effect on which cards can be put into a deck. For example, a deck that only includes white and blue cards can still have a black enchantment as its emblem.

This cube does break singleton for nonbasic lands and here are at least two copies of every drafted land. This includes two copies of each of the cycling dual lands from Amonkhet, two copies of each of the check lands from various sets, two copies of each of the triomes from Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths, and ten copies of Ash Barrens.

Draft Archetypes:

Much like most of the recent official draft sets, this cube includes 10 two-color draft archetypes. For each, I will describe the game-plan and draft strategy, as well as providing card examples, including an example of an emblem that would be good for the deck.

White-Blue Flying wu

This is a fairly common draft archetype for standard sets, especially core sets, but this one has always been one of my favorites. This deck ranges from very agressive to more modestly midrange. In the draft, prioritizing two and three mana creatures with flying is the best strategy, but finding good opportunities to find higher-cost fliers is very important you have late-game staying power. However, if you're looking to be very agressive, picking up as many 1-drops with flying as possible is essential. When looking for emblems, any of them that reward you for having creatures will be quite beneficial, but snagging Favorable Winds is a massive advantage.

Blue-Black Reanimation ub

This deck probably benefits the least from having an emblem at the start of the game, as they don't enable the strategy too much. However, just because other players get to start with massive synergy pieces doesn't mean that bringing back a large creature from the graveyard several turns ahead of schedule isn't powerful. Most reanimation decks require having cards that put the reanimation targets into the graveyard, but this cube has multiple cycles of large mono-color basic land cycling creatures, allowing for very easy reanimation targets that also help color fix. Having blue mana in this deck is essential, because counter spells are some of the few ways that can protect your reanimated threat and this deck tends to only ever get one or two reanimation chances. Reanimation spells are very powerful, and will often be desirable for other decks, so taking them before the reanimation targets is very important. Being able to cheat in a less powerful card is still better than getting the most powerful reanimation target stranded in the graveyard.

Black-Red Madness br

Inspired by Shadows over Innistrad block and Modern Horizons II, this deck looks to greatly reduce the cost of its cards in order to push damage as quickly as possible. This deck benefits greatly from the many symmetrical discard effects that will keep the opponent off their answers while enabling the strategy. Red has many cards that let them discard cards to draw new cards, and in this deck, those are basically just normal, under-costed draw spells, something aggressive decks rarely get to play with.

Red-Green "Ferocious" rg

This archetype has been nicknamed by the Khans of Tarkir set from the original mechanic for Temur. This archetype wants to do pretty much exactly what it says on the tin: have big creatures. There are several creatures with 4 power that only cost three mana, but green has access to an abundance of two-mana creatures that can tap to add mana, letting the deck play the more powerful 4-drops a turn early. This deck entirely focusses on its creatures, and is very inflexible if that strategy gets disrupted. The emblems can help with that problem, providing continuous value that can't be interrupted by decks that could easily stop this deck otherwise.

Green-White +1/+1 Counters gw

White-Black Modified Aristocrats wb

Blue-Red Flashback (and Friends!) ur

Black-Green Tokens Mill bg

Red-White Cycling rw

Green-Blue Tokens gu