This is a set-draft cube that aims to bring together the best bits of CNS and CN2 into a cohesive multiplayer draft-able environment. It should replicate the feeling of cracking packs, kicking back, and drafting conspiracy sets.
It's built to be as fun to draft as it is to play, and uses clever tricks (including a set collection minigame in the environment, balancing Monarch, and a push towards combat) to keep play running while maximizing political-minded gameplay.
I've adjusted it with a a few cards swapped out to impact the drafting environment per Shawn's suggestions in his blog back in 2017, which is where it sat until the major 2020 revision which sought to measure each card individually against it's alternatives.
The cube balanced frequency over packability, so cards are stored with their rarity:
90 Commons in sets of 4, for 480 commons.
72 Uncommons in sets of 2, for 216 commons.
115 Rares (including Mythic)
and a mix of 72 "Draft Matters" cards to be included in basic land slot.
Before draft packs are set with 10 Commons , 3 Uncommon , 1 Rare, and 1 "Draft Matters" card.
Note for chillerpillar: =
from any basic land (all basics are snow lands).
The vast majority of the cube was designed by Shawn Main and can be found here with notes here!
It is that lists' legacy I'm aiming to complete and bring into the present.