Eldamir's 2 Player Peasant Cube
(240 Card Cube)
Eldamir's 2 Player Peasant Cube
Cube ID
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
240 Card Peasant Vintage Cube56 followers
Designed by Eldamir
Mana Pool$89.96

This is a 2 player peasant cube with the following restrictions:

  • Only cards printed at common or uncommon
  • Depowered removal
  • No 1-drop creatures
  • No double faced cards
  • Limit the amount of cards that forces shuffling of libraries
  • Preference towards cards with simpler rules text (e.g. Unburial rites rather than Animate dead
  • Some cards are banned for gameplay reasons (full list at the bottom)

When drafting with two players, the card pool that the players see will be smaller than in an 8 player draft. This means that cards need to be flexible and wanted by several archetypes. For instance supporting mono coloured aggro with 7+ one drops would be impossible without sacrificing needed support for several other archetypes. I cut all 1-drop creatures as there were few creatures that I wanted to include, especially outside of white. This gives me a larger variety higher up the curve, as well as allowing turn 1 ETB tapped lands to be viable for more aggressive strategies.

Lands that only produce 2 types of mana are excluded, as these have a lower probability of being useful. Vivid, Thriving and trilands are more likely to be picked up by a player. The bouncelands can hopefully be viewed as hybrid cards.


Each player gets 5 tokens and 15-18 packs of 5 cards. Both players open a pack and pick 1 card. The remaing 4 cards are passed to the other player which then picks 1 card. At any time a token can be spent to pick an additional card from the pack.

With 15 packs, each player will end up with a draft pool of 35 cards. 150 cards out of 240 will be used for the draft, improving the probability of archetypes coming together.

Grid drafting 18 packs of 9 cards is another great format for 2 players. It is great when playing with people unfamiliar with the cube, as they are free to ask questions about any card without revealing information.


Each player get 120 cards and have to build two 40 card decks with a sideboard of up to 10 cards. With the increased card pool compared to 90 card sealed, the decks become stronger and certain strategies are more likely to come together.

4 players

The cube can also be played with 4 players. Either 2 headed giant format where each team gets 120 cards or 4 player draft with 5 packs of 9 cards.

Archetypes (needs to be updated, 3 colour decks should be common)

wu - Blink
ub - Control, reanimate
br - Aggro, sacrifice
rg - Beatdown
gw - Go wide
wb - Value reanimation
bg - Graveyard value
gu - Ramp, landfall subtheme
ur - Spells matter
rw - Aggro/go wide

gwu - Blink
wbg - Reanimation midrange/value
bgu - Reanimation control/combo

Alternative rules (under testing)

To spice up the draft, I’ve made a list of rare/mythic cards that can be included for variance. This


For 120 card sealed: Each player gets 8 cards and can include up to 3 in each deck.
For grid draft: Each player gets 5 cards and can include 3 in their final deck.

Current banlist

Mother of Runes
Hymn to Tourach
Behemoth Sledge
Isochron Scepter
Loxodon Warhammer
Grafted Wargear
Fire Covenant
Curse of Shallow Graves
Curse of Predation
Control Magic
Swords to Plowshares
Path to Exile


Crystal Shard

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