(360 Card Cube)
Art by Daniel GelonArt by Daniel Gelon
360 Card Unpowered Budget Set Cube3 followers
Designed by Jwall5899
Mana Pool$383.44

It has been many centuries since the war between Urza and Mishra. The battered landscape has become a frozen desert, and the creatures of the world of Dominaria struggle for survival. One society has risen out of the cold chaos, defending itself against both the brutal forces of nature and the attacks of the nomadic tribes that have emerged in the surrounding wastelands. And through it all, a twisted necromancer flourishes in the deep winter, intent on using his powers to keep the world dark and cold. You may have the skills to survive, but do you have the spirit to withstand the icy wilderness of Dominaria's Ice Age?

This cube plays Ice Age as a stand alone set with the expansion set of Alliances.

Cube Rules:
All basic lands are snow-covered. Ice Age was meant to be played in the snow. While there is some deck-building tension because there are cards that punish snow-covered lands, it's not a fun exercise to figure out if you should use them or not. And while I could supply the cube with only snow-covered basics for decks, that would miss out on the other amazing land art in this set, so instead all basic lands get the wintery treatment.


Notes on Gameplay:
Fixing is rough, hard removal is scarce, and lands get destroyed. Expect complex boardstates and long, grindy games where the heavy hitters get a chance to come out of hibernation and attack.

Your enemies are coming for you. This cube features several powerful cards that impact cards of the color opposite on the color wheel. They increase the power of the decks and make for interesting drafting decisions. Post side-boarded games will be more swingy, but the hosers give a boost without dominating the game. So keep your sideboard close.

This cube is primarily focused on five allied-color archetypes. These aren't the only way to play the color combinations, but I've done my best to hone in on the loose strategies built into Ice Age and Alliances. The five primary archetypes are:

wu: Hard Control (CounterPost, Browse Digger)


wg: Combat Math (Banding tribal)


ub: Attrition-based Control (...with occasional Reanimation)


br: Burn, Sacrifice, and Recursion (Pox is solid here)


rg: Good ol' Stompy Midrange (BugBind)


There are a handful of other decks that have been pretty successful as well:

wgr: Goylehaups

bbb: Monoblack

As the age of ice recedes, Dominaria wakes from its long, cold sleep. Its people face a world torn by natural and political storms, and they must now join forces if they are to survive the coming years. For Dominaria, it is a season of struggle, an era of hope, but most of all, a time for new Alliances. Join the struggle and forge the future!

Cloned from Cory's ALICE Cube

Mainboard Changelist+1, -1
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