Pretty Pictures and Sparkly Things
(540 Card Cube)
Pretty Pictures and Sparkly Things
Cube ID
Art by Jeff LaubensteinArt by Jeff Laubenstein
540 Card Powered Vintage Cube7 followers
Designed by psychobeef
Mana Pool$28091.29

This cube started out as a cube built on cards I owned, most of which were from Modern Masters, Theros and Innistrad, as those were the sets I drafted first when I started playing magic. As I gave my will over to the game, my collection grew and with it, my cube. Soon it became of a mirror of the seasonal vintage cube, and when funding came in, power was added. As friends began asking why certain cards weren't in the cube, or why I wouldn't add storm, and other combo pieces, I soon let go of my restrictions and began adding what I wanted. Storm was the first of these moves and since then it has been trimmed back to add other cards I enjoy testing. I have stayed tied to the whole vintage idea, still using WTWLF123's blog posts on cube updates to maintain an active list for each new set, while still slightly straying away from the norm.

Today, the cube has a few rules: 1) if I don't own it, it doesn't exist in the cube; 2) if I own, it sees play. I love magic, but more so, love sharing my love for magic. All of my cards are played; and 3) if I own it and it's played with, I want it to look and feel special, so over the last few years, I have been working towards upgrading my cards to be foiled, full art or etched, when available, and/or upgrading to judge, FNM, and other promos, where available. The biggest move of late, was my upgrade to the Phyrexian foil version of Elesh Norn.

The cube includes the full set of power, dual lands, and all the amazing vintage cards such as Eureka, Moat, Nether Void, The Abyss, Emrakul, Library of Alexandria, among others. I am never done, and some day, will bring on Tabernacle and Bazaar, something I wish I had done when they were a few hundred dollars, rather than what their current price tag.

Last, I am always open to suggestions too, so if you're drafting and ask, "why is this card even in this cube" or "why isn't a certain card in the cube", please don't be afraid to ask. Suggestions from friends is how the cube began and how it has been shaped over the years, so I am always open to more suggestions.

I wish you well in your drafting experience.

Side Note: I don't include conspiracy in the online list, since the cards dynamics aren't coded into how the site drafts. If that ever changes, I'll make the adjustment. There are 17 additional conspiracy cards that sit outside of online drafting, but are included in paper play. This allows for Lore Seeker and Booster Tutor to work when the entire cube is drafted.

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