The E-40 Cube is all about choices. This Cube prominently features modal spells and puts an emphasis on flexibility rather than established archetypes. It's not a powered Cube; ideally there shouldn't be any obvious outliers in terms of power level, and on-the-fly decision making is the name of the game. Hope you enjoy!
E-40 Cube v1.1 - Uploaded 2023-01-27
E-40 Cube v1.2 - Updated 2023-06-11
Current Version v1.3 - Updated 2024-01-27
Tawnus K. Grevy
Making a few changes, mostly to add newer cards that have been released in Wilds of Eldraine, Lost Caverns of Ixalan, and Murders at Karlov Manor. Some of the changes are strict upgrades (Confounding Riddle over Supreme Will), others are major power level upgrades (apologies to Spitebellows and Aethersnipe; I love you both dearly but 17 years of power creep is really starting to catch up to you), and others are just to replace cards that never get maindecked (Lithoform Engine).
I do like a lot of the off-color Adventure creatures, but I'll have to think more about how the color ramifications work before figuring out how many of them I want to add, if any.