White/Blue - Spirits
Key Cards: Drogksol Captain, Spell Queller, Drogskol Calvery, Mausoleum Wanderer
Blue/Black - Zombies
Key Cards: Diregraph Captain, Gisa and Geralf, Endless Ranks of the Dead, Skaab Ruinator
Black/Red - Vampires
Key Cards: Stromkirk Captain, Olivia Voldaren, Call the Bloodline, Stromkirk Noble
Red/Green - Werewolves
Key Cards: Immerwolf, Huntmaster of the Fells, Geier Reach Bandit, Mayor of Avabruck // Howlpack Alpha
Green/White - Humans/Angels
Key Cards: Heron's Grace Champion, Travel Preparations, Mentor of the Meek, Hamlet Captain
White/Black - Go-Wide Tokens
Key Cards: Campaign of Vengence, Lingering Souls, Pious Evangel // Wayward Disciple, Falkenrath Noble
Blue/Red - Spells
Key Cards: Mercurial Giests, Giestblast, Devil's Play, & Snapcaster Mage
Black/Green - Graveyard/Delirium
Key Cards: Ishkanah, Grafwidow, Spider Spawning, Soul Swallower, Crow of Dark Tidings
Red/White - Aggro
Key Cards: Rally the Peasants, Nahiri's Machinations, Vexing Devil, Archangel Avacyn
Green/Blue - Investigate
Key Cards: Ongoing Investigation, Ulvenwald Mysteries, Graf Mole, Tamiyo's Journal