Welcome to the Drawbacks Cube!
Throughout the history of Magic, numerous powerful cards have been printed with various drawbacks in order to make them more "fair".
The fun experience of this cube is to try to break the symmetry and combine all those clunky cards into a masterpiece that can win games.
Drawbacks range from various additional costs, mandatory sacrifices, detrimental abilities likes defender, negative enter-the-battlefield effects, cards that give your opponent choices or that introduce some element of randomness. Sometimes the negative effect is symmetrical for both players.
Although there are no specific color pair archetypes, each color as a broad identity supported in the cube.
Black has the most powerful cards, decent removal, but often prompts sacrifices and drawbacks that are proportionally bad.
Blue has some evasive creatures, bounce, steal effects and countermagic.
Red is mostly aggressive, but poor at blocking.
Green has some early ramp, beefy ground creatures with heavy mana requirements and some artifact/enchantment removal.
White, being the "fair" color in Magic, has some of the mildest drawbacks, efficient removal, board wipes, and plenty of taxing and symmetrical effects.
The challenging part of deck building is to combine cards whose drawbacks somewhat synergize together. Remember, like math where multiplying two negative numbers yield a positive number!
Leveler seems suddenly playable when you can Thud it for lethal on the turn you cast it. Cumulative upkeep cards can be cheated around with a Solemnity or Eon Hub in play. Phyrexian Dreadnought becomes a potent threat with a Hushwing Gryff on the battlefield. Priest of the Blood Rite is perfect fodder for Familiar's Ruse. Nahiri's Wrath can clear the way for Lupine Prototype. And is there a more satisfying feeling than giving your opponent a depleted Demonic Pact with Harmless Offering?
There are many more combos yet to be discovered!