The Draft Chaff Cube
(540 Card Cube)
The Draft Chaff Cube
Cube ID
Art by Kieran YannerArt by Kieran Yanner
540 Card Budget Modern Cube39 followers
Designed by DraftChaff
Mana Pool$324.77
Featured at CubeCon 2024!

Calling all Chafficionados! The official cube of the Draft Chaff Podcast is here!

We scoured the archives for as many fan-favorite limited cards, decks, and strategies as possible, and this is the result: a cube made entirely of draft chaff.

So... what is draft chaff?

The definition we used as a guideline for building the cube is this as follows: any card that could be reasonably found left behind on the table after a draft is fair game. This gives us the opportunity to include cards that were once constructed staples, but draft chaff in a reprinting.

The result is a cube of pure chaff. The average cost per card? Just 22 cents! We know you'll find many of your old favorites in here, and maybe you'll discover some new favorites, too. Happy drafting!

[8/25/2022] Version 3.0

With this revision, we've expanded the cube from 360 cards to 540, giving us more room to flesh out archetypes. The archetypes have shifted to provide a more unique, interesting, and enjoyable draft (and gameplay) experience.

In v2, we received feedback that archetypes were too narrow which left the draft experience too "on rails" for many drafters. We're hopeful the expanded card pool and reworked archetypes have solved this issue.

Check out a primer on each of the archetypes! They have been meticulously designed using Vector Theory to ensure both viability and variance. We've purposely left out some archetype/card interactions in the primer. You'll have to draft the cube to find them all!

  • Blue-White Flicker
  • Red-White Heroic
  • Red-Blue Freecasting
  • Blue-Black Discard
  • Black-White Aristocrats
  • Black-Green Spiders
  • Red-Black Madness
  • Red-Green Enrage
  • Green-White "Twin"
  • Blue-Green Flash

Version 3.0 contains archetypes you can't find in any other cube. You read them right: We updated GW into "Twin," a vector focused on infinite combos. We updated UR from simple spellcasting to "Freecasting" huge spells. Expanding to 540 cards allowed us to give the struggling green decks room to find themselves, such as RG Enrage and UG Flash.

Signpost Cards
Vector/ArchetypeCard 1Card 2Card 3
UW Flicker
UB Discard
RB Madness
RG Enrage
GW "Twin"
WB Aristocrats
BG Spiders
UG Flash
RB Freecast
RW Heroic

We also have a handful of other supported archetypes... but we'll let you figure those out ;)


We've included some achievements for this cube as well. Whether it's killing a dinosaur with a meteor, winning the game at a turtle's pace, or going infinite in a million ways, there's no shortage of nonsense.

To Infinity...Make infinite tokens
...And BeyondGain infinite life
...And Then SomeDeal infinite damage
...And Then Some MoreMake infinite mana
ZAP!Deal 20 damage directly to an opponent using an instant or sorcery
Big BraaaaainsHave a 7+ mana value creature in play on turn 4
Crisis AvertedCounter or exile Bearer of the Heavens
And I Cannot LieWin a game dealing "butt damage"
LudophobiaWin via an alternate win condition
Slow and SteadyDeal "butt damage" with Meandering Towershell
Flavor FailControl nonland permanents from 10 different Magic sets
ExtinctDestroy a dinosaur with a meteor
No Gates No GloryWin a game with a monocolored deck
OverdraftWin a game by targeting an opponent with Sign in Blood
Kitchen NightmareSpill the Hot Soup
Crab RangoonControl both Scuttletide and Drake Haven
Blue BurnDeal lethal damage using Vapor Snag
What the Hellion?Create 10 Hellion tokens in a single turn
Art of the DealHave your Deal Broker deal accepted
Gotcha!Counter a spell with 0 blue cards in your deck
Till UndeathReanimate a cute couple
Unseal the DealTrigger the second ability of Sarkhan's Unsealing
The LichWin a game with Lich's Mastery under your control
Conspiracy TheoristWin a game with a Conspiracy in your command zone
Dino-StormTrigger an Enrage ability 2+ times using Grapeshot
Cars 2Crew a vehicle with another vehicle
...Really?Have 10 cards in your graveyard, but not Delirium
ClocksmasherWin a game while by breaking a timing restriction (courtesy of Ratafia)
For GloryDeal 20 combat damage with a single creature in a single turn (courtesy of PessimisticCorn)

Want to see how we did it? Check out the Draft Chaff Twitter to make your own copy of our Cube planning sheet.

Let us know if you have any comments or requests over in our discord! This cube is constantly evolving, so don't forget to follow us and join our Discord for updates!

Hey Chafficionados!

About time I update you with some thoughts on the ever-changing Draft Chaff Cube! I'm proud to say that The DCC was a hit at CubeCon, and we're hoping to run it back next year (I'm hoping to run back my record, too- I was just shy of Top 8!).

I've been collecting feedback, and there's only one real issue players have raised: Conspiracy cards just aren't that fun to play with. The goal of their inclusion was to give a home to cards that otherwise would never see play again, and while that was achieved, it turns out these cards are either just too good or just too bad for a 1v1 game (unlike their original 4-player format).

The 5 conspiracies are out! They're being replaced with some cards to infuse even more fun into each color, including a few "Draft-Matters" cards that are from Conspiracy! These underrepresented cards have a home, and the format is a bit more balanced, too. Not too many changes from the last few sets- Duskmourn and Aetherdrift have some parasitic mechanics, and while Foundations is a fantastic set, the power level is mostly a bit low for this cube. Now, meet the newcomers, three of which do a decent impression of Teleportation Circle:

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