(573 Card Cube)
Cube ID
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
573 Card Cube1 follower
Designed by fingerflinger
Mana Pool$5274.36

Creature cards can only have P/T 1/1 in this cube! This is in very preliminary first-draft mode, but have a lot of high-powered support cards, such as Tinker, Natural Order and Wrath of God, as well as Jitte and Skullclamp. Very unsure how this will play out, it needs a lot of testing.

I'm okay with a very high power level, but I don't want to lose the theme. So these very strong cards shouldn't be able to win without the help of their 1/1 pals. Creature heavy focus makes me unsure how to design removal and interaction against removal. This will be a very interesting challenge to work with

I'm thinking it's likely there will be a natural Enchantments sub-theme, because these creatures all die to a stiff breeze and there are SO many cheap sweepers available. Certain enchantments make sense to include to protect your creatures. Blue gets counterspells but other colors need different tech to keep their board together. Also enables a form of card advantage outside of blue

Format Defining Cards

With the list as-is, these are some of the cards I expect to be clear power outliers and will warp the format around them.

This card just obviously hoses a format where every creature hits the battlefield as a 1/1. It takes TWO anthem effects in play for you to even cast a creature spell through this. Demands removal immediately, and if you have a board state, this can never hit the battlefield.

A mini absolution that causes similar problems, but is a mana cheaper. Same mitigation tactics: plentiful enchantment hate and stack interaction

Very on-theme, but extremely powerful even beyond the typical experience. Instead of overwhelming opponent with sheer numbers, each body is actually relevant. Furthermore, when creatures will frequently die to board sweepers, persistent threats like this look very scary. Again: stack interaction and cheap planeswalker removal needs to be available for our other decks

This fulfills a couple of roles, but I see the major play pattern being something like: build out a wide board, then drop Mirror Entity at 6 mana with an beefy activation so you can play him and swing for lethal in a single turn, minimizing exposure to removal. He is a must-kill in most matchups and really hoses Red, since their removal is damage-based

Incredible snow-balling threat if you can keep her alive

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