Budget power

Cube ID
Art by Erica YangArt by Erica Yang

560 Card Cube

Designed by FyrkantRSSQR Code

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Every card in this cube is bought for maximum 50 cents.
Im very happy for any suggestions of cheap powerful cards I could consider to add that might fit the cube.
Worth notice is the manabase which suffers most from the budget criteria. Most of the "duals" enters tapped and it creates a meta
where splashes are worse in the more aggressive coulor combinations. Mostly red and white aggro decks are a lot bettre as
monocoulored. Black as well in some extinct.
Supported archeatypes:
Monoblack aggro
White aggro
Red deck wins
Green ramp (midrange)With possible splashes for all coulors where gruul and selesnya is faster and more proactive. Simic are
preferably built in a more controlling shell. And golgari has a given graveyard matters theme.
UW blink
Izzet spells matter

Mainboard Changelist
+2, -0