I starteted this Cube to find a place for rejected rares that didn't see any play in my EDH decks or Modern. Then I added more cards to make
for an entertaining limited pool. It changed a lot over the last ten years and many cards that initially made me start this cube (like Rhox) have long since been removed. It has no special gimmick, but uses a few Un-cards and Conspiracy draft cards that I think are fun to play with. It is unpowered and I seek to maintain a even powerlevel across all color combinations, which is a reason why you won't see a few common cube staples in here.
There draft archetypes for each color pairs, but the cube is not just built for "draft on rails" and the archetypes are not set in stone. Instead of going for one of them, each color pair also offers to be drafted as either a control or midrange strategy. Aggressive mono color decks in White or Red are also feasible, Mono Green offers a ramp strategy (Note: In this cube Green is the color of ramping, not color fixing. For color fixing draft artifact mana rocks). So if you want to draft classic decks like UW control, GB The Rock or UR Spellslinger, you absolutely can.
Azorius Blink
Draft creatures with ETB effects and blink/flicker them for extra value.
Dimir Mill
Build a Blue-Black control shell and attack your opponent's library as your win condition.
Rakdos Aristocrats
Gain value and hurt your opponents by sacrificing your creatures. Draft creatures that have a die effect or are easy to come back from the graveyard to push your value to the max.
Gruul Lands
Play lots of lands. Sac lots of lands. Play lots of lands again. Profit.
Selesnya +1/+1 Counters
Begin with tiny creatures and make them bigger. Some cards give extra abilities to creatures with counters on them.
Orzhov Lifegain
You gain life and you drain (your opponent's) life. Perfectly balanced.
Golgari Reanimator
Fill you graveyard with creatures and reanimate them to the battlefield or play spell the profit from them.
Simic Flash
Why play during your turn, when you can play during your opponent's turn?
Izzet Spellslinger
Boros Go Wide
Tokens, tokens, tokens. And anthem effects.
Draft Around Me Cards
If you pick up these cards early you can draft a solid deck around them. Some of them even combine to form an even stronger deck.
3-Color Splash Bombs
These are bombs meant to encourage a splash of a third color. Some of them enhance on the two-color draft archetypes, some are just generic good.
Archetype Enhancers
Generic Bombs