I've always struggled with my love for Dominaria and wanting to make a cube featuring it. I've tried flavorful and failed, old
border cards only and failed, cards referencing Dominaria and kind of making up my own archetypes and failed.
Now I've decided to start with most of the commons and uncommons from the Dominaria set, and then I went and added some favorites
from Time Spiral block to flesh out some archetypes or add some more complex mechanics and interactions. Then, I've gone and
thrown in my own "Timeshifted" cards in the form of old border cards from sets that feature Dominaria. Finally, I went to
https://www.mtg-multiverse.com/#/dominaria/ and added some cards confirmed to be on Dominaria in order to amalgamate my own Time
Spiral cube, but with a little more direction.
The archetypes featured are the same as the Dominaria set:
UR Wizards
WB Legends
BR Sacrifice aggro
RG Kicker Ramp
WU Historic Fliers
UB Value
GW Tokens
BG Saproling Sacrifice
GU Ramp Value Kicker etc
RW Auras and Equipment
Aside from the main archetypes there are also some secondary ones to add to some color pairs.UR Draw two
WB ClericsBR
UB Discard/reanimatorGW