qcube first draft

Cube ID
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin

315 Card Unpowered Budget Vintage Cube

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B: zombies, devotion
G: rampR: burn/aggroW: White weenieU: tempo

WG: Enchantments - needs work
UW: flyers, control - both archetypes need more support
RB: recursive spectacle aggro - needs more support
WB: sacrifice - needs more support, go wide - some more support
UB: flash, control - more flash cards
UG: flash, big mana - more big mana, flash
UR: Spells matter - prowess, flashback, storm -cut storm
WR: prowess aggro, go wide - more support
RG: stompy curve out - more big creatures, werewolves
BG: 1 for 1, grindy recursion, aristocrats - needs more support

3 colour should be overlap5C: gates

should be about 50 cards each colour, 60 multicolour, 20 colourless, 30 lands