Die Gow is a solitaire draft puzzle that just takes a D20!
Overview Contents
1. Setup
2. The rules
3. The strategy
4. Other ways to play
Roll a D20 three times. For each roll, select a card from that row of the cube to build your “deck”. Then do the same process to create two opposing decks. The first opposing deck should be built with the intention to lose to your deck when it goes first or second. The second opposing deck should be built with the intention to beat your deck when it goes first or second.
The Rules• 4 games with 3-card opening hands: You play 4 consecutive, separate games of Magic. In game 1, you’ll play first against the first opposing deck. In game 2, the first opposing deck will go first. In game 3, you’ll play first against the second opposing deck. In game 4, the first opposing deck will go first.
• No decking: You can’t lose to decking but you'll find some cards that shuffle your graveyard into your library to replay them.
• Start at 5 life.
• Infinite mana: In every game, all players have access to an unlimited amount of mana in any combination of colors.
• Optimal Play: To determine the winner of each game, determine the optimal plays for each player as in by Three Card Blind. Players know the full contents of each other’s hand and play cards with the goal of beating their opponent. If neither player can play a card without losing, the game is considered a draw.
• Find a deck you can beat and a deck that beats you! The goal of the puzzle is to build the three decks in such a way that your initial deck beats the first opposing deck both going first or going second, but loses both games to the second opposing deck!
When building your initial deck, focus on a strategy that’s strong, but has a significant weakness to a strategies that are likely to come up in the cube.
Other Ways To playYou can certainly try this against a human opponent as well! Players would roll in secret and then reveal their rolls as they play the cards. You can also try this puzzle with more familiar cards using [Type 4] (https://cubecobra.com/cube/list/dc20) Rules with this cube here: https://cubecobra.com/cube/list/dc20