Clone of Humans vs Vampires vs Spellslingers vs Blink
(346 Card Cube)
Clone of Humans vs Vampires vs Spellslingers vs Blink
Art by Lorenzo MastroianniArt by Lorenzo Mastroianni
346 Card Cube0 followers
Designed by Cookiesneak
Mana Pool$1019.25

Cloned from Humans vs Vampires vs Spellslingers vs Blink

This is meant as a "just below pioneer powerlevel" four color cube for 4 players to draft.

The objective is for players to draft high-synergy decks with the presented themes and mixtures of themes. Secondly, "cards that win by themselves" have been kept to a minimum (before manavalue 5+), as I want people to draft combinations of cards that win.

I know it's an odd number (434), but it has an even distribution of colors and 16.5% of lands corresponding to around 2.5 lands per pack.


br Blood Tokens Vampires br

br Aggro Vampires br

bw Aristocrat Vampires bw

bw Go Wide Vampires bw

w/wr Aggro Humans w/wr

w/wr Go Wide Humans w/wr

bw Orzhov Aristocrat bw

br Rakdos Aristocrat br

wu Blink wu

wu Second Card Drawn wu

wu Fliers wu

ur Fast Spellslingers ur

ur "Slow" Spellslingers ur

ub Dimir Steal ub

uw-b Control uw-b

Mainboard Changelist+0, -88
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