Max's Peasant Cube
(407 Card Cube)
Max's Peasant Cube
Art by Val MayerikArt by Val Mayerik
407 Card Cube0 followers
Designed by MaximusDamage
Mana Pool$5433.47

work in progress. adapting and streamlining my peasant cube-based off of klug's cube, to more thematically resonate and also double as a battle box.

themes- graveyard interactions, value, sacrifice, as well as more traditional aggro-midrange-control. old school limited with high ceiling build arounds.

uw-artifacts matter/fliers/blink value
ur- tbd
gw-enchantments matter, possibly token go wide sub theme
gr- tbd
gb- graveyard value/self mill
rb- aristocrats sac/aggro
rw- go wide aggro
bw- "deathrattle"/moribd? gy value as well but need to differentiate from GB

in addition, red, black, and green can also be mono or near mono-colored aggro

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