Set Breakdown
Main Set: 4x Commons, 2x Uncommons, 1x Rare/Mythic Rare
Contraptions: 3x Commons, 2x Uncommons, 1x Rare/Mythic Rare
Order of the Widget. It’s a bunch of cyborgs that use technology to constantly improve themselves.
Agents of S.N.E.A.K. They’re spies that use their inventions to make the coolest toys. Too bad they’re completely incompetent.
League of Dastardly Doom. They’re super villains that use their inventions take over the world (or similar villainish schemes).
Goblin Explosioneers. They’re goblins that use their inventions to experiment with lots of crazy ideas, many of which explode.
Crossbreed Labs. They’re creature hybrids that have used their inventions to creature a perfect society where everyone is their true self, whatever pieces and parts of animals that entails.