Pauper Commander Cube
(534 Card Cube)
Pauper Commander Cube
Art by Seb McKinnonArt by Seb McKinnon
534 Card Cube6 followers
Designed by Trip4s
Mana Pool$664.69

The cube is only Commons, except the commanders which are all uncommons.

The cube uses Commander Masters rules for drafting so:

  • You draft your commander(s) in the actual draft
  • 60 card decks
  • 20 card packs taking 2 cards per pick
  • Any mono-coloured (or colorless which doesn't matter rn) commander has partner
  • You have access to 2 copies of The prismatic piper

This cube also uses a strange rule I put in place to make sure everyone had equal access to good fixing. Before the draft starts each player is given access to the "Freebies" These are:

At the end of the day this is a casual commander cube, so I didn't want anyone to draft a cool synergistic deck just to get punished for not drafting fixing, even if that takes away from some of the skill from the drafting phase.

The colors and archetypes are:
w Support: White lends itself to other colors as a support color, with removal, impactful spells and creatures, and very synergistic pieces with its secondary colors Keleth, Sunmane Familiar shows this off perfectly.
u Control/Spells: Blue is at its core a control color in this cube, not content with just swinging for 40 with creatures, instead using card advantage and sneaky combos to lock out the table even with only commons. This is exemplified in the strange combo of Slinn Voda, the Rising Deep and Alora, Merry Thief resetting the board every turn.
b Graveyard: I wanted to do something more interesting for black but man does WOTC love giving black exactly one archetype. Black in this cube uses a slurry of removal and card advantage options to look perfectly fair while secretly filling their graveyard for a surprise visit from cards like Viconia, Drow Apostate to bury them in card advantage.
r Beating the Brakes off you: Red is simple yet complex in its gameplan. It is definitely a primary color, as most of it's cards are win conditions of itself, and taking opponents out quickly is a very strong strategy for it, but don't get it confused thinking that the color is all bent on going face with durdly creatures, unless you want to get surprised with a grapeshot paired with a Syr Carah, the Bold before getting stormed out on out of nowhere.
g Big and Wide: Green is focused on one thing, building an incredibly impressive and hard to stop board state. It leverages both token strategies to go wide, and ramp to go over top of some gummed up boards. It's the most simple color in the cube by far and is good for a first draft. Surrak, the Hunt Caller shows off just what green loves to do, it doesn't care if its 8 1/1s, or an 8/8, as long as you have a boardstate, Surrak is there to give you explosivity.
The archetypes those colors combine to make are:
w-u Flyers
w-g Counters
w-r Equipment
w-b Life Gain
u-g Monsters
u-r Storm/Spells Matter
u-b Flashback
b-r Storm/Madness
b-g Graveyard/Lands
r-g Ramp
This will end up as a 540 card cube allowing 8 players to draft 20 card packs and still leave 60 cards undrafted for variance, thank you.

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