Cube for limited play of the Invasion block (IPA: Invasion, Planeshift, Apocalypse). Out of all cards in the cube, 24 packs are semi-randomized with 15 cards in each containing 1 non-basic land, 1 rare, 3 uncommon and 10 commons.
Non-basic lands: 28 (of which 4 will end up in the sideboard randomly)
Rares: 64 (of which 40 will end up in the sideboard randomly)
Uncommons: 72 (all will be played).
Commons: 240 (all will be played, there are 2 of each common to ensure that most are playables).
Preparation for play:
Non-basic lands: 4
Rares: 40
The packs are now ready to be draftet!
Color Identity:
Mostly 2 base colors, with 1 stronger splash and 0-2 lighter splashes
W has more defensive cards (that protects or prevents) and flyers to combat in the air.
By this W is a good color to play a longer game stalling the opponent or to attack trough or over opponents defenses.
U has cards to manipulate different zones (basic land types, color, your library, your hand), value and flyers to combat in the air. The solution cards are bounce spells and counters.
By this U is a good color to lean into a more controlling longer game plan or a more aggressive tempo game plan.
B has evasive creatures (fear and flying), a lot of removal (destroying nonblack creatures, giving -1/-1) and value.
By this B is a good color to give more controlling decks removal and value, or to help aggressive decks to overcome opponents stalling the game.
R has aggressive creatures (lots of Kavus) and burn spells.
By this R is a good color to pressure the opponent early with creatures, provide your deck with cheap removal and to chip in the last points of damage ignoring the board state.
G has good bodies (lots of Kavus), color fixing and ramp.
By this G is a good color to overrun the opponent with creatures or making the base for a deck containing a lot of powerful cards from all 5 colors (goodstuff).