Powper Core
(360 Card Cube)
Powper Core
Cube ID
Art by Fred HooperArt by Fred Hooper
360 Card Cube28 followers
Designed by Nizer
Mana Pool$459.73

Check out my expansion which adds cards from Commander/Jumpstart sets here: https://cubecobra.com/cube/list/3hwv9

This is my Pauper Cube, which attempts to provide the most fun custom Limited format based on the most powerful and iconic commons throughout Magic's history.

The rules are as follows:

  • MTGO/MTGA-only commons are allowed

  • cards banned in Pauper Constructed are generally allowed

  • exact functional reprints and strictly worse versions of cards are excluded for variety

  • Un-sets are banned

  • cards with the type Conspiracy, Phenomenon or Plane are banned

Sets which were not designed for standard 1v1 gameplay, such as Commander or Jumpstart sets, are excluded. They are instead part of an optional expansion which can be found in the link above.
The expansion also includes an optional 10 gold uncommon cards which can be added individually.

10 sample decks for the 10 guild archetypes can be found here:

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