Baby's First Cube
(506 Card Cube)
Baby's First Cube
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
506 Card Cube0 followers
Designed by Hoobityboobity
Mana Pool$776.28

Hi there! Welcome to my very first Commander Cube list! I designed the archetypes with some lesser supported themes (and some real popular ones) of the two colour pairs and based the construction on Daclein's incredible guide on how to build a commander cube. Each archetype has a primary 2-colour commander, and 2 backup ones (one of them with partner) that has less to do with the theme. There are also 20 mono-coloured partner commanders, 5 mono-coloured non-partner commanders, and 20 3-coloured commanders. I'd love to hear any feedback you have about how to make it a more fun play experience keeping in mind that my playgroups tend to be on the lower power level side of things. Right now I'm most curious to see how balanced all the archetypes are and if there are enough cards from each archetype to support them.

The 10 archetypes are:

Azorius --> Topdeck manipulation/Scry

Dimir --> Mill

Rakdos --> Discard/Graveyard shenanigans

Gruul --> Playing cards from exile

Selesnya --> Lifegain

Orzhov --> Aristocrats

Izzet --> Artifacts

Golgari --> Big Butts

Boros --> Heroic/Valiant

Simic --> Giant Spells

Thanks for reading :D