Zendikar Rising
(180 Card Cube)
Zendikar Rising
Cube ID
Art by Zezhou ChenArt by Zezhou Chen
180 Card Budget Set Cube4 followers
Designed by AMarx
Mana Pool$41.83

A budget set cube for up to 4 players featuring cards from Zendikar Rising. This set introduced the party system, where benefits are earned from sets of Clerics, Rogues, Warriors, and Wizards. Returning mechanics from earlier Zendikar sets include Kicker and Landfall.

Colour pair themes
w-u & b-r Full party payoffs.

u-b Rogues benefit from milling opponents library.

r-g & g-w Landfall payoffs

w-b Clerics with powerful life gain triggers.

u-r Wizards encourage casting non-creature spells

b-g & g-u Kicker counters

r-w Warriors encourage using equipment artifcats.

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