Terry's Power Party Cube
(357 Card Cube)
Terry's Power Party Cube
Art by Christopher RushArt by Christopher Rush
357 Card Multiplayer Powered Vintage Cube0 followers
Designed by dawstm
Mana Pool$1582.56

Free For All Power Party Cube

A cube is a player made set, of at least 360 cards, created for the purposes of drafting.
24 numbered booster packs are simulated from the contents of the cube and are used to draft cards for play.

ANY CARD can be in a cube, as it does not follow format rules or ban lists.


  1. Assemble 2-8 players around a table.
  2. Roll to see who gets priority. The person with priority always goes first.
  3. Everyone then rolls for their 1st pack.
  4. Once everyone has their 1st pack, each player opens it together.
  5. Choose one card and pass the remaining cards to the left player.
  6. Repeat this process until no cards remain.
  7. Everyone then rolls for their 2nd pack.
  8. Once everyone has their 2nd pack, each player opens it together.
  9. Choose one card and pass the remaining cards to the right player.
  10. Repeat this process until no cards remain.
  11. Everyone then rolls for their 3rd pack.
  12. Choose one card and pass the remaining cards to the left player.
  13. Repeat this process until no cards remain.
  14. Once all cards are given out, start building your deck.
  15. Once you have chosen the cards you want, get land for your deck.
  16. Once everyone is ready the game will begin!
  17. The first person to win 2 matches wins the game!


15-18 Creatures
5-8 Other Spells
16-18 Lands

The deck cannot have less than 40 cards

Starting Life Total - 20 Life

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